Anna's Legacy
What a week!!!
Ok I officially HATE porcupines!!!!!!!!
Sunday - Two dogs, Shadow (Black Lab) & Tess (Greyhound/Lab Mix) have QUILLS in their noses and mouths. All Pulled - All Fine.
Monday - Three dogs - Buddy (German Short hair) Out of Kennel and FULL of QUILLS, Shadow & Tess again noses FULL of PORCUPINE QUILLS! Shadow & Tess quills pulled and Buddy gets to go see the Vet. Buddy gets to spend the night in town on tie out for two nights.
Tuesday- Two VERY STUPID DOGS Shadow & Tess again with noses FULL of QUILLS. Make them wait till morning to pull quills - thinking this might teach them a lesson.
Wednesday - Take Buddy back to farm to put in kennel. Kookie, (brittany) running free out of kennel carrying something in her mouth - thankfully just an old glove not a porcupine. Caught Kookie put her on a tie out and find out she is in season (YEAH). Fixed Buddy's kennel (Hot Wire) and put him back in it. Pull QUILLS out of Tess after playing jump around the car seats tag. Tess refuses to get of car, FINE, just stay in there! Pull QUILLS out of Shadow (I swear this dog feels NO PAIN). Load Kookie to take to town with Tess. Feed dogs. Go to town. Put Kookie in Kennel (Do NOT need pups right now) Put Tess on tie out, because she is in TIME OUT for hunting Porcupines for 3 days. She is SAD :( .
Thursday - Go to Farm. No Porcupine Quills in Shadow! Every dog is in it's kennel! Feed Dogs. Come to town. All dogs on tie outs or in their kennel. Feed dogs.
NO MORE PORCUPINE QUILLS!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will see what tomorrow brings!
I am crossing my fingers that when I go out to feed them later that they have stayed out of trouble. What a week!