Wednesday, June 28, 2017

~~~~ Pearls History & Lore ~~~~~

Pearls ~ The Stone of New Beginnings ~

One early Chinese myth related that pearls fell from the sky when dragons fought amongst the clouds. Another myth said that pearls originated as raindrops swallowed by oysters. In one ancient tale, a boy found a miraculous pearl. When placed in a jar with just a bit of rice, it filled the jar with rice the next day. After his neighbors found out about this, they tried to steal it. The boy swallowed the pearl to protect it. As a result, he became a dragon. To this day, Chinese artworks often depict dragons guarding pear
In many ancient Asian cultures, the smooth wholeness and seemingly “magical” appearance of pearls in such lowly lifeforms as oysters indicated the presence of divinity. The pearl represented the journey of the soul or spirit along the path to perfection. In ancient burials, mourners placed pearls in the mouths of the deceased. Since pearls apparently contained the principles of life, they hoped they could assist the dead on their journeys beyond. Mourners also decorated burial gifts and clothes with pearls. This seemingly ritual act may have started as a practical act. Pearls were among the first materials used for beads. Their natural bead-like shape made them easy to use for decoration and yielded lovely results.
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Saturday, June 24, 2017

****Native American Animal Symbol ******

June 21 - July 21
Woodpeckers are usually the most nuturing of all the Native American animal symbols. The consummate listener, totally empathic and understanding, the Woodpecker is the one to have on your side when you need support. Of course, they make wonderful parents, and equally wonderful friends and partners. Another proverbial feather in the Woodpeckers cap is the tendency to be naturally frugal, resourceful, and organized. In a nurturing environment the Woodpecker is of course caring, devoted, and very romantic. Left to his/her own devices the Woodpecker can be possessive, angry, jealous, and spiteful.

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

~ ~ Pearl History & Lore ~ ~

~Pearls ~ Pearl  " Ocean Magic "I am the symbol of integrity, purity, and grace.  If you choose to live with intensity, commitment and love, then I will be your symbol of self- awareness, for I effuse you with emotional growth and readiness.

People across the globe have prized and harvested pearls for at least 6,000 years. Evidence of pearl cultivation goes back to at least the 13th century CE. The search for the perfect pearl has continued for centuries. In ancient times, the expense of perfect pearls gave rise to a curious spell for increasing wealth. The caster would select a particularly fine pearl, infuse it with the desire for riches, and then throw it away into a rubbish heap. The idea behind this sympathetic magic practice was that someone who could throw away pearls was rich indeed.
The rarity and expense of pearls also contributed to some common expressions still used today. In The Bible, Matthew 7:6 admonishes against throwing “pearls before swine,” wasting what is valuable on fruitless endeavors. We still commonly refer to precious advice and counsel as “pearls of wisdom.” In the millennia before perliculture, pearls were very hard to find and harvest. When wisdom is given, treasure it like a rare pearl.
Check out all of our lovely Pearls @

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Native American Animal Symbol

If you were born ~
May 21 - June 20 
Your Native American Animal Symbol is the Deer or Stage ~

This Native American animal symbol is the muse of the zodiac. The Deer is inspiring lively and quick-witted. With a tailor-made humor, the Deer has a tendency to get a laugh out of anyone. Excellent ability for vocalizing, the Deer is a consummate conversationalist. This combined with his/her natural intelligence make the Deer a must-have guest at dinner parties. Always aware of his/her surroundings, and even more aware of his/her appearance, the Deer can be a bit self-involved. However, the Deer's narcissism is overlooked because of his/her congeniality and affability. In a supportive environment the Deer's natural liveliness and sparkly personality radiate even more. He/she is an inspiring force in any nurturing relationship. Left to his/her own devices the Deer can be selfish, moody, impatient, lazy, and two-faced. 

Check out our Deer Jewelry

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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Pearl ~ History & Lore

especially Freshwater varieties, can occur in varied and unusual but beautiful shapes. However, soft white lustrous orbs, more commonly found among Saltwater, have become an idealized standard. Of course, this shape strongly evokes The Moon. Not surprisingly, many cultures have made lunar associations with pearls. These connections are further reinforced with The Moon’s symbolic association with the watery domain where pearls are born. In ancient Vedic texts, the pearl is born of The Earth’s waters and the heaven’s powers, fertilized by a flash of lightning. It’s considered to be the daughter of The Moon. In Western cultures, the pearl has astrological associations with the planet Venus. Like pearls, the goddess of love came from the sea.

Check out all of our Lovely Pearls @